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Dennis Lafata Bid Classic


February 8-10, 2025: 

Come join us in 2025!

America's Center - St. Louis, MO


2025 Schedule Link

Saturday Start Times

8 AM:
All Open
11/12 Boys
18 USA

230 PM:
14 USA, 13/14 Boys Club
15 USA
16 USA
17 USA
17/18 Boys Club

15/16 Boys Club



  • 2025 Tournament Registration opens October 1, 2024
  • 2025 Housing Registration opens September 1, 2024
  • Open Divisions Offered: U14, U15, U16, U17, U18)
  • USA Divisions Offered: U14, U16, U17, U18
  • Club Divisions Offered: U11/12, U13/14, U15/16, U17/18
  • 7 match guarantee for 13-18s Divisions
  • 2 day (Saturday-Sunday) U11/12 Division
  • First referees provided for all matches; teams to provide remainder of work crew (certified Adult R2 & scorer, 2 line judges, asst. scorer).
  • For more information e-mail

Late Entry Deadline: January 1, 2025
Final Entry Deadline: February 3, 2025
Final AES Roster Deadline: February 6, 2025

Entry Fee: $800/team - $600/team for 11/12U - (Additional $50 if after late entry deadline)
Entry Process: Advanced Event Systems (AES) Tourney is listed as 25 Dennis Lafata Boys Bid Classic.
Team Online Check-in: Opens TBA  Closes TBA
Team In-Person Check-in: Friday February 7, 2025 - 3-9pm CST
There is no late check-in.  ALL TEAMS must be checked in before the first day of competition.



This year's Dennis Lafata Gateway Boys Festival Bid Event will be using Advanced Event Systems for its registration process. AES will be the website that is the choice of USA JNC Girls Championship, National Qualifiers, Regional’s, and many other events throughout the country.

  1. Go to Advanced Event Systems to register your team and club.
  2. Click on Create Account if you are a new user. If you already have a username and password, skip to step 4.
  3. Next, fill out the Club Director info, creating a username and password and making sure to keep your username and password in an accessible spot for future use.
  4. Enter your username and password and login.
  5. Once logged in, add players & staff by clicking on the appropriate link. AES integrated with USAV’s Webpoint system, if your region uses Webpoint, WE HIGHLY recommend using the USAV Import link. (This will save you time)
  6. Click Teams – add teams
  7. Enter events – you will build your roster after you select the event, division(s) per team – then click BUILD ROSTER.
  8. Click on continue.
  9. Check the entry form box and click print entry form.
  10. Print form, sign, and send in with check or credit card information to Capitol Sports Center, 1915 Gladden Road, Plainfield, IN 46168.
  11. Make sure that USAV rosters for each team gets updated by the roster deadline date!

The Capitol Sports Center staff will send out broadcast emails to inform you of other information and steps as they come available.

Entry fees must be received with completed entry form to be accepted into the tournament by January 1, 2025. This event is open to all teams USAV, JVA, or AAU, however, rosters do need to be submitted online by the roster deadline.


  • Tournament held in St. Louis, MO
  • Paid referees on all matches
  • Guaranteed 7 matches
  • Admission is 
  • Entry Fee: $800 ($600 11/12 Boys Club) 
  • Entry Deadline: February 3, 2025
  • Roster Deadline: February 6, 2025
  • Make checks payable to:
       Gateway Region Office (New Temporary Address)
    • 5555 St. Louis Mills Blvd. STE 265, Hazlewood, MO 63042
  • Tournament Contact: Linus Shyu,
  • Hotels Contacts: Hannah Wilhoite - Jenny Heron -




Dennis Lafata 2025 Admission Info

ADMISSION INFO – Dennis Lafata Classic 2025

Coaches / Parents / Spectators –

Thank you for attending the 2025 Dennis Lafata Classic in St. Louis.  We will be using our traditional method for Admission.  Everyone will be required to show a wristband for the weekend or for the day (except for players who only need to show their uniform).  Wristbands will be available on Friday night from 3:00pm – 8:00pm at the Tournament Desk (inside Hall 3 at the Convention Center) and then available throughout the weekend in Room 120, which is in the Hallway Across from Hall 2.  ONLY CASH WILL BE ACCEPTED ON FRIDAY NIGHT (3 day passes only)!  Cash and credit cards will be accepted for wristband purchases on Saturday through Monday. Please be aware that credit card lines can become long.  To avoid delays, we are recommending that everyone use cash to purchase wristbands when possible.  The cash lines move much quicker and will not delay you in getting to your court.  Admissions will open at 7:00am on Saturday, Sunday and Monday morning at the convention center.  3 day passes and single day passes will be available all three days.

The Region is also holding a girls event on Saturday and Sunday.  There is not a 2 day pass available, so everyone coming for that event will have to buy a single day pass for each day. 

Prices will be as follows:

1 Day Pass - $20

3 Day Pass - $50

12 and under are Free

We are advising everyone to always keep your wristband on.  If you lose or forget it, you will be expected to purchase a new one.  

We will NOT be offering an option to pay online in advance of the tournament.  All wristbands will be sold at the event.

**Additional Info**

All games will be played in America’s Center – 701 Convention Plaza, St Louis, MO 63101

All other info for the event is listed on our website:

Chairs are provided around each court.  Please do not bring your own chairs, as the convention center will not allow you to bring them in. There is also  Parking Map link on our website above.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at  Thanks in advance and good luck to everyone!

Ryan Bozell

Dennis Lafata Classic

Stay to Play and Save Policy

What does this mean for you?

In order to participate in the Dennis Lafata Gateway Boys Festival Bid Event, each out-of-town team must get rooms from the AES Approved hotel block. There are two easy ways to do this:

  1. Call us at 1-800-476-0060 ext 118 and we will help you with our personable and helpful staff led by Hannah, our housing director.
  2. Go online to and click on the appropriate event.
    • Click on the appropriate hotel.
    • Click on club/team/parents – book here
    • Select state and check box of appropriate club, and then appropriate teams.
    • Continue making reservation. It WILL be important that each room in the block attribute their room to the appropriate team.

Housing will open on Friday, September 1st at 9 AM Eastern time. You will be able to go online and book on or call us at 800-476-0060 ext. 118.  Please be patient as our call volume is expected to be high.  Please leave us a voicemail or send an e-mail for assistance and we will respond at our earliest convenience. 

Teams can make room blocks or make individual reservations, it is up to what each club’s preference is and what is the easiest process for those groups. We are here to help and to make this process as easy as possible.

How does Stay to Play and Save benefit you?

  1. Hotel Prices
    First and foremost, hotel prices have been driven down. We have prices from as low as $69-$79 for non-downtown hotels and have seen dramatic decreases for our downtown hotels as well.
  2. Practice Balls
    The ability to leave practice balls at home allows for great savings. Teams that are flying in pay as much as $50-$100 to bring practice balls. We will now be able to have balls available for check out at the tournament desk. Two forms of ID will need to be left in order to take advantage of this benefit, but will be returned when the balls are returned. Please register before by emailing Scott McQueen at to take advantage of this savings. If you do not pre-register, it will be based on availability.
  3. Coupons and discounts at local restaurants and shopping attractions
    With an increased commitment to the city and its hotels, we have been able to receive more opportunities for savings at various shops, restaurants, and local attractions that before would not have been available.

For discounts, please click here.

2025 Recruiting Combine

Championship Combines

Dennis Lafata Recruiting Combine 2025

February 7th - 6:30 to 8 pm.

St. Louis


Colleges that Attended the 2025 Dennis Lafata Gateway Boy's Bid Classic

St. Louis Visitor Information

Group Transportation: Explore STL

Please keep us in mind for any upcoming group transportation needs, especially last minute this month!  


At your convenience, I look forward to discussing the 17 vehicles that currently make up our fleet: 

  • 6 passenger Cadillac Escalade SUV 
  • 8-10 passenger Stretch Hummer 
  • 11 passenger Transit Van 
  • 28 passenger Shuttle Bus 
  • (7) 30 passenger perimeter seated trolleys-
  • (3) 36 passenger forward seated trolleys
  • 40 passenger Grech Mini Coach with a restroom on board
  • (2) 56 passenger Motor Coaches with a restroom on board

please email - Brian @ for more details!


Sponsors & Exhibitors Exhibitor Agreement Form

Click photo to access Baller TV for Dennis Lafata 2025

Click photo to access Baller TV for Dennis Lafata 2025